Cyprus is one of the most important business centers in Europe. Every day more and more companies are choosing Cyprus to expand their businesses due to various reasons. Here we have the 7 most popular reasons why companies choose Cyprus.
1) One of the lowest corporate tax rates in the European Union (Eu)
2) Attractive tax regime (one of the most beneficial tax plans in the world- more than 40 double tax treaties)
3) Stable economy.
4) The island has well educated, well trained and professional staff who speak English fluently – Russian is also a popular language.
5) Highly developed and efficient system – through professionals such as lawyers and accountants – based on English Law.
6) Geographic location – it lies at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa.
7) Quality of life.
We are offering the opportunity to get your own company at a very special price fast and easy.
including office facilities for a year
Start and run your company in Cyprus in just 7 days.
You already have a company and looking for an office, we still can help you.
We offer all kind of serviced offices, as well as shared solutions and no-show options.
Call us today at +357 25365046 or send as an email with your inquiry